
100 Club: Twitters No BS Fitness Crew

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I initially found the 100 Club, better known as the 💯Club💯 on Twitter.

Twitter, as many know, is not often the most welcoming, let alone supportive corner on the internet. It is often a sea of echo chambers with many users going to war over the slightest difference in political opinions.

My first exposure to the 100 Club was when a user named @earbuds_music went viral in April 2022 after deciding to turn his life around and take control of his health.

Shortly after this, I noticed that @earbuds_music had joined the 100 Club as he had donned their trademark 💯 insignia on his Twitter handle.

Let me be the first to tell you that the 100 Club embodies the term “rollin’ deep” like nothing I have seen before.

They are a crew that is so strong the Twitter algorithm will insert a barrage of their content into your feed if you interact with just one of their posts.

This drove me to dig deeper and find out what the 100 Club was all about.

What is the 100 Club

Many folks wonder what the 100 club (as seen on Twitter 💯Club💯) is.

The 100 club is a fast-growing Twitter community that values health, fitness, “doin f***** work,” and being good citizens.

Life is full of hardships and for the 100 Club, overcoming these challenges starts by setting goals and challenging yourself

I asked Mike, also known as @vitalrepsfit, on Twitter how the 100 Club came to be.

💯club💯 just kinda happened. It was an idea initially started by @thebigE100

The initial idea was to put 💯s around a few of our founders’ names, and from there, it caught fire as more and more folks wanted to be a part of the fitness positivity and motivational movement.


The 100 Club was not just a single person’s idea put into action but a collective of like-minded founders, including:

The 100 Club is not a bunch of gym bros like you may think and even includes several respected doctors such as:

There is also a significant segment of veterans who are established members of the club, including:

Some members have completely transformed themselves like:

They have people that have openly struggled with depression and suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and losses of unimaginable magnitude.

Then there are the bodybuilders and fitness coaches like:

Some new members have recently begun their 100 Club journey, like @earbuds_music.

There are 100s of members in total, and many we have not mentioned but are no less critical to 100 Club’s collective goal.

What we all have together is a passion for doin work – overcoming and achieving – this is our motto: what we call “#doworkson”

We motivate each other and wear the 💯s as a badge of respect and recognition.

We strive to help others. Most recently, we held a fundraiser where all profits went to the PTSD Foundation of America. This was shirts, tanks, and hoodies that you’ll see many of us wearing in pictures or videos. We have raised over $600 for this initiative at this point.

There is no membership fee and anyone can join to show their support of DOIN WORK!


100 Club Demographics

Membership in the 100 Club is diverse in age, gender, race, and location.

From our small sample size, a fair amount of members are from the US and in their mid-late 30s. However, this is not a factor in the success of the 100 club.

The club members’ desire to achieve their goals and better themselves appears to supersede demographics.

Member Locations

100 club member locations

Member Age Range

100 club member age range

Why did you join the 100 Club

The 100 Club is made up of members from all walks of life.

Club members appear to have one goal: to better themselves and those around them.

The reasons for joining range from the need for a more positive space on social media, attempting to lose 100s of pounds in weight, to the support for veterans.

We asked members why they joined the 100 Club:

I love helping and supporting others when it comes to reaching fitness goals. Even for somebody like myself, its not always easy to get up and do the work you have to do everyday. Being able to long on to an app and see pics and videos of others putting in the work gives you that extra motivation on days you don’t have it. Being able to ask questions and share information with others makes everybody stronger, no reason to not be part of the 100 club.


I was frustrated with social media in the last 3-5 years and had deleted Facebook in the process. I still gave Twitter a shot, as I liked keeping up with the weather, lawn care, and fitness and sometimes reading “news” on my feed.

Covid and the overall political climate have entirely turned me off on most “news” online, and instead, I have doubled down on reading about fitness, landscaping, and enjoying seeing other people’s flowers, lawns, and weightlifting/running routines and accomplishments.

Dookie invited me to join after I had commented/liked a bunch of his activities. Like most things online, I was skeptical at 1st making sure there wasn’t a “catch” or something I would have to pay for or promote, and it’s been nothing but positivity and people who are all out for the same thing.

Being happy, enjoying fitness, and finding satisfaction in the simple things in life.


To get motivated with training, and be held accountable for my physical fitness standards.


Their support for veterans with ptsd


I just saw a group of people celebrating life through fitness and I’m a firm believer you are who you hang out with and this was a type of a group that I wanted to be part of! I love seeing where I’m at as far as fitness because of the discipline in the hard work that I put in but what I love more is being able to help people through my change and this is exactly what this group is all about!


I joined because I found a genuine camaraderie among a group of individuals who were working hard to be better, stronger & healthier. The support & positive energy of 100 club members truly has changed me by helping me to have a more positive mindset.


This was a great group of people who understood what it is I was about to take on and the wealth of information they have and encouragement are priceless


To be motivated, educated, & inspired by positive & like minded people who love fitness!


What are Your Fitness Goals

100 Club membership is made up of people at all levels of physical fitness.

The 100 Club helps its members achieve their fitness goals by providing support and motivation through the Twitter hashtag #DOWORKSON.

Some members of the 100 Club have achieved excellent results, such as losing over 300 pounds. Others are training for professional bodybuilding competitions.

Some just want to be a better version of themselves.

While the 100 Club’s general ethos is bettering themselves and others, each member has their individual goals, including:

For me, I started lifting weights in high school while playing football. I enjoyed it, and liked the results I saw. I was also around a group of friends who were also into sports and fitness, and my dad was always into exercise and sports so it was just something I picked up and didn’t stop. Over the years, it’s been a staple of my life and I enjoy how it clears my head and just makes me happy every day.

There have been doubters and naysayers over the years, and I have just used those as continued ways to motivate. You know the types:

you’re in college now, we drink and party, not workout.
Wait til you have a full time job, happy hour is the place to be, not the gym.
Once you are married you won’t have anyone to impress, and you won’t workout.
Once you turn 30 your metabolism will slow down, and you will be fat like us.
Wait til you have kids, you won’t have time for the gym.
Once you travel for work and have long hours, you won’t have time to eat right or exercise.

The list goes on. Proving it wrong at every turn. You either want it, or you don’t.

My WHY is simply because it’s my hobby and it gives me joy. Yoga gets all the credit, but weightlifting is mindful as well. Some people like to fish, hunt, play golf, you name it. I like to lift weights, run, and ride my mountain bike.


I’m currently working on getting my bodyweight down to 190-195, currently sitting at 203, down from 210. My why is to become the best possible version of myself and to set an example for others. Fitness pulled me out of a dark place in my life, it keeps me from going back to the person I used to be.


To maintain my 100lb weight loss and gain muscle


To be as healthy as I can and have the most energy possible. To inspire others to change their life. To push the benefits of Rucking.


My goals are simple, to provide a living example for my kids to follow that will see them live strong active and healthy lives


To be the strongest, fastest, & fittest version of myself. I am currently learning new skills & techniques in CrossFit. I want to get good at all the gymnastics skills as well as the Olympic lifting & be very conditioned.


Initially, I just wanted to lose some weight and get back into shape. But now, my goal is to compete in a bodybuilding competition in 11-12 months.


What does your Fitness and Nutrition Plan Look like

Having goals is only a tiny percentage of what is needed to gain achievements in life.

The 100 Club provides motivation and resources to help members achieve success. The 100 Club has a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding fitness and nutrition.

Many members are certified trainers or have years of experience in the gym. Many are industry professionals or even doctors and can ensure other members are on the correct path.

We wanted to find out what the average 100 Club members’ fitness and nutrition plan looked like:

Moderate with no more than 2k caloric intake, balanced with the right kind of lean protein.


For a while I was Plant-based only but felt I wasn’t getting enough protein so I switched to plant-based food with fish and chicken.


My hard cuts are low fat and low grain, lots of fruit, veggies, egg whites, and Greek yogurt.


Red meat, Salmon, Eggs, Sweet Potatoes, and Spaghetti squash. Food quality vs calorie counting.


I hired a coach to give me a more structured workout plan. As of now, it consists primarily of heavy weight training. I have also gone from years of avoiding carbs to including them back into my diet. And I quit doing intermittent fasting & have returned to 5-6 small meals per day.


I train on a 2 day split. Every other day I alternate chest/back/shoulder day with a legs/arms day. I always rest before and after each lift. Nutrition for me is 6 meals a day, based around 50 G protein per meal with varying carbs/fats based on gain/loss goals. For example 6×500 cals/meal is a 3000 cal day, about maintenance for me.


5 days a week of lifting and cardio (push, pull, legs).

Food is prepped once a week ( lunch and dinner) breakfast is made fresh everyday. I use fitness pal to track every meal, this keeps me on track.

Meals every couple of hours, high protein to keep me full. I aim for 3 to 5 litres of water a day.


What makes the 100 Club Unique

When thinking about what makes the 100 Club unique, a few things come to mind.

Positivity, brother/sisterhood, and the common goal to never give up and always strive for self-improvement no matter what that looks like individually.

Among the chaos and vitriol of social media and specifically Twitter, the 100 Club is a beacon of hope for what a group of strangers can do when they put in the effort.

We can see clearly that the 100 Club is a unique niche not often seen online.

We asked what drew 100 Club members to the group and what they saw as unique about their space on the internet:

It’s for everyone. 100% inclusive.


We come from all walks of life & from various aspects of fitness. We encourage, push each other, & hold each other accountable.


The 100 club is a fitness community that is full of support and positivity. A place to celebrate success, reach out for advice. A community with no judgment 💯 !!! A fitness family 💪🏼


Sharing vids, sharing stories , daily support and constantly chatting about training is GREAT for all of us but particularly for the garage/home gym crew.


They’re a group of supportive people who all share a passion in fitness, and uplifting each other. Which is not commonly seen on social media. With so much negativity going on in the world it is amazing to surround yourself with a positive group with the same mindset and goals.


We are like a family.


Would we Suggest Joining the 100 Club?

Yes, we recommend joining the 100 Club.

The 100 Club is a great way to meet new friends, learn about fitness and nutrition, and get support on your journey to better health.

If you are looking for a supportive community of like-minded individuals who want to help you achieve your fitness goals, the 100 Club is the perfect place.

As I finish this article, I find myself wondering.

Would I join the 100 Club?

F*** it. I am in and ready to #DOWORKSON.

You can now find me on Twitter @v0ldie (💯cody💯)

And as for @earbuds_music is still putting in the work:

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Staff Writer