
What Happens When Dry Needling Hits a Nerve?

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What happens when dry needling hits a nerve?

Hitting the nerve when dry needling is the point of the procedure and helps to fix muscle pain by releasing all of the tension in that nerve.

When the needle is inserted, it triggers a nerve impulse. This nerve impulse results in a brain response that stimulates the release of naturally occurring substances known as endogenous opioids, including endorphins, enkephalin, and dynorphin.

These substances are similar to morphine and heroin but without adverse side effects. Studies have shown that these endogenous opioids help reduce pain, but they also have an analgesic effect with increased blood flow for injured or overused soft tissues.

Dry needling may also increase the production of muscle proteins within the muscle bands and the release of specific growth factors by wounded soft tissues, which results in improved healing of injured tissue.

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling is a medical treatment option for treating pain, inflammation, and other tissue conditions. The procedure involves using a thin acupuncture needle inserted into the body at an angle to reach sensitive spots in soft tissue where nerves reside. This creates the desired respone when Dry Needing hits a nerve. Dry needling and nerve function are discussed in greater detail in the following article. We also explore the effects of dry needling and how it is used to treat pain.

How Long Does it Take For Dry Needling to Work?

Do many people ask what happens when the dry needling process is done? The response to dry needling can vary from person to person, depending on many factors. The length of time it takes for the patient’s pain to decrease depends on the amount of pain being experienced, age, and previous experience with dry needling. Dry Needling often begins to work within 48 hours to 5 days.

In a patient with higher intensity of pain, dry needling can take longer for those who already have a history of receiving these treatments. Blood testing for different types of pain can also help predict which patients will respond quickly and which will take longer to feel better. Blood tests may help predict the severity and duration before treatment begins.

Pros of Dry Needling when Hitting a Nerve

pros of dry needling hitting a nerve

1. Fast and easy to learn.

The process is fast and easy to learn. You do not need any expensive equipment. You do not need ample space, either. Dry needling does not require a doctor’s prescription either, and you can get your first one for as little as $10, and you can buy several more for about $40 bucks.

2. It helps relieve pain from injuries and respiratory, joint, and muscle pain.

Dry needling will help to relieve pain from injuries and respiratory, joint, and muscle pain. It also helps give relief to people who have conditions such as tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, and a variety of other conditions.

3. It triggers endorphins.

Endorphins are naturally produced in the body that helps with pain relief. Dry needling is known as one of the only treatments out there that can trigger endorphins in the body that will help reduce pain and increase mobility and flexibility.

3. No side effects at all.

There are no side effects from dry needling at all. It is entirely painless, and it has been used for thousands of years to help reduce pain.

4. It is a long-lasting treatment.

The dry needling technique is a long-lasting treatment when practiced correctly, which means each needle will be placed precisely where it was intended to be placed before being removed from the body. It prevents any unnecessary damage in the surrounding area of the muscle from being treated. It helps to ensure that the needles are inserted into the right location, thereby providing immediate relief from the pain one is feeling. The needles are then left in place for up to 20 minutes to allow for maximal benefits from treatment.

5. Cost-effective when compared to other treatment options such as surgery.

Dry needling is one of the less expensive yet effective treatment options for pain relief, including cost-effectiveness compared to other treatment options such as surgery.

6. Safe and clean technique.

Dry needling is a safe and clean technique that helps to reduce pain without any adverse side effects. Due to its pure nature, dry needling can be done in any environment, including in the office of an advanced physiotherapist or chiropractor. It makes these treatments very easy to provide and much more accessible for many individuals who may have previously been unable to receive treatments due to the fear of needles. The pain that can often be associated with these treatments is also removed. It does not require a large amount of staff to oversee the process and can be done by a physiotherapist or chiropractor who does not require medical training.

Cons of Dry Needling when Hitting a Nerve

cons of dry needling hitting a nerve

1. It can be painful.

Dry needling produces a popping or snapping sound that may be quite audible. It can be a bit painful, especially when the needles are first inserted into the patient’s body, but it will only last for a few seconds, and then the discomfort is gone completely.

2. It can take some time before one feels better, as it works slowly on the soft tissues.

It means that it may take several treatments before one begins to feel better, but once the treatment has started, it takes some time for relief to come about due to this being a slow working treatment option for pain relief.

3 . It requires a patient to be in the exact location.

As dry needling is a long-term treatment option, it requires a patient to be in the exact location, which can sometimes be inconvenient and uncomfortable for those injured or have conditions that may prevent them from staying in the same area for any length of time.

4. It does not work for all types of pain.

Dry needling works for many common types of pain, such as joint pain. Still, it does not work for all kinds of pain, depending on the type of injury you are experiencing and other factors such as age and previous training with professional bodywork techniques.

5 . The drying sensation can be a bit uncomfortable.

After a treatment has been administered, the skin may feel slightly dry for up to 24 hours. It is also known as dry needling, as dry means to get dried. It is not painful or damaging, but it can be slightly uncomfortable, and some people may find that their energy levels are lowered for some time afterward.

6. It takes quite a lot of repetition to get used to the sensation of needles on one’s skin.

Dry needling is one of the more invasive techniques in bodywork as it involves sticking needles into the tissues that are being worked on with no anesthetics involved, which may scare people off because they tend to feel uncomfortable and anesthetized at the same time, especially those with sensitive skin who may find that their skin remains slightly irritated and itchy after a procedure had been previously performed.

Dry needling is a relatively safe and non-invasive technique that does not require a doctor’s prescription and can be done by an individual with minimal training. While it does not work for all types of injuries, dry needling is a fast and effective way to help relieve pain that one may experience in the lower back, neck, shoulders, knee, ankle, and many other areas of the human body. Dry needling has been around for thousands of years, which means there are no side effects and no long-term damage to the body. The only downside with this treatment is that one may experience some swelling either in the area being treated or in the surrounding regions, but this is temporary and will go away shortly after treatment has been administered.

Often having a solid meal plan and taking great supplements can greatly reduce your chance of injury in the first place.

What do you think about dry needling? Have you had any positive or negative experiences when it comes to dry needling? Let us know in the comments below!

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