Tess Moser

Nutritionist NASM-CNC

Nutritionist NASM-CNC

Tess Moser

Tess Moser is a nutritionist who lives in Boulder, CO.

A self-proclaimed foodie, Tess loves to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen.

When she’s not cooking up a storm, Tess enjoys hiking and skiing in the beautiful Colorado mountains.

Frequently Asked Questions

The answer depends on your starting weight. Losing 10 – 15 pounds per month is often possible for heavier clients. Once you are to a more manageable weight we like to see 2 – 4 pounds per week.

The Lindy effect is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, it is also likely to have a longer remaining life expectancy. Applying the Lindy Effect to diet, fitness and overall living of life can give a massive edge in modern society.

No, You can easily lose a ton of weight simply through diet. Often 1 – 2 short walks per day can make a big difference. Once you get to the last few pounds increasing exercise can help to tone and perfect your physique.

Yes, Lindy Health can help. We offer virtual visits and coaching along with in-person meetings at our Boulder Colorado office.

Lindy Health has several options. We offer the plan only along with a one hour consultation. We also offer the plan + coaching with unlimited texting and weekly or monthly meetings.

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