Seedy: App for a Seed Oil-Free Lifestyle

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Do you know what’s in your food? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably no.

Seedy is a mobile app that is changing all of that. 

Seedy helps people learn about the benefits of a seed oil-free lifestyle. The app helps you find products that do not contain seed oils and easily add them to your shopping list.

Seed oils are hidden in many (cough…the majority) of the foods we eat every day, so avoiding them can be difficult without help.

That’s where Seedy comes in!

Seed Oils are Not Healthy

Seed Oils are much more sinister than one would assume at first glance.

Seed oils are highly refined and mass-produced that have been found in recent studies to damage health on a cellular level.

Hateful Eight

The most common industrial seed oils to avoid, known as the “hateful eight,” include:

  • Canola Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Soy Bean Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Rice bran Oil

Simple Six

As an alternative, Seed Oil Rebellion recommends what they call the “Simple Six”:

  • Beef Tallow (top choice!)
  • Butter (top pick!)
  • Ghee (top pick!)
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil

Keeping things simple is the key to a seed oil-free diet.

Avoiding the middle isles at the grocery store and eating whole foods (meat, vegetables, and Seedy-approved products) can improve your health in ways most can’t imagine.

Learn about seed oils with Seedy

First, Seedy has a surprisingly clean and beautiful user experience that carries through from signup to daily use.

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Seedy is easy to use and navigate and has a pleasant overall design.

The app’s functionality is based on a simple concept: You should be able to find and avoid seed oils in the food you eat.

To do this, Seedy provides users with Guides that show which foods contain seed oils and how to spot them on ingredient lists.

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The mastermind behind Seedy is @RealOilRspctr on Twitter. She has been pushing for the Seed Oil rebellion online over the past few years.

We asked her how the launch of Seedy has been going and this is what she said:

We’re thrilled with the response so far.

We had over 1000 users download and sign up in the first four days, which is way more than we expected. We’re adding over a hundred users a day and plan to see that growth continue with the launch of the Android version. That just speaks to this community’s passion and and there’s a real need to make it easy for us all to find the foods that fit a seed oil-free lifestyle.

We launched with just products from Walmart, but are quickly expanding to include the other major North American grocery stores. Long term, our goal is to not just create the single best resource to easily find food, recipes, and restaurants that fit a life free from seed oils, but to also allow the community to share information and their experiences with one another.

Right now, there’s just four of us working on the app and we’ve put our own time and money into its development.

We’re extremely proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish with such limited resources and plan to keep regularly adding features that our users want and need.

– @RealOilRspctr

The base of creating a seed oil-free lifestyle comes down to a few simple concepts:

  • Read the ingredients and avoid the “hateful eight.”
  • Stock up on the “simple six” oils to use while cooking
  • Eat natural and whole foods to avoid industrial seed oils
  • Grab the Seedy app, which is packed with recipes, videos, articles, and more!

Seedy is available for free on the Apple App Store. Give Seedy a try, and let us know what you think!

Find Seed Oil Free Products

If you are new to removing seed oils from your diet, you may be in for a shock.

Go to your fridge, pop it open, and take a look at the ingredients lists of your food products.

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You may be surprised that the so-called natural and organic products you paid a pretty penny are loaded with industrial seed oils.

For many, this seems overwhelming. What the heck do I eat if everything from salad dressing to frozen “healthy” meals are packed with seed oils?

Seedy has your back.

Seedy has a built-in search feature where you can find your favorite foods, brands, and recipes that are hand-curated and guaranteed seed oil free.

You can also add your own products and brands to Seedy so that others can find and use them too.

Eating seed oil-free doesn’t have to be complicated or tedious, and Seedy makes this more accessible than ever.

Shop with Seedy App Grocery Lists

Once you have found some excellent seed oil alternatives to your favorite foods and meals, you are ready to hit the grocery store.

Seedy allows you to curate your own grocery shopping lists. With one press, you can add products found in their database to your Seedy list, making grocery shopping faster and less stressful.

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Organization and planning are the cornerstones of any diet or nutritional lifestyle; Seedy helps make this a breeze.

“This app is great for discovering seed oil free products and organizing seed oil free shopping lists (without having to carry around a piece of paper and pen at the store)! If you are living a seed oil free lifestyle or just want to learn more about it, this app is a must!” – Apple App Store

Verdict: Seedy App Brings Forward the Seed Oil Rebellion

To eliminate these harmful oils from your diet, look no further than the Seedy app.

With its easy-to-use interface and wealth of information on seed oil-free products, you can start living a healthier life today.

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If you want even more support in your journey to better health, be sure to check out, which will teach you everything you need to know about detoxing your diet. Thanks for following along with us and spreading the anti-seed-oil message!

Please note that Seedy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This blog post is for informational purposes only. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional before changing your diet or nutritional plan.

Cody Yurk

Cody Yurk

After several near-death surgeries and a heart attack at 29, I decided to get serious about my health and went from 278lbs to 181lbs in only six months. How? I built an entire team, including a personal trainer, nutritionist, psychologist, physical therapist, and sports masseuse. Having the same team as Hollywood stars allowed me to reach my goals fast and produce insane results.

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