
Do Breast Implants Affect Inbody Scans?

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You may be wondering if breast implants affect inbody scan results. The answer is: it depends. The type of breast implant and the size of the implants can both play into affecting your Inbody scan.

This is confirmed by the government peer reviewed study at the National institute of health on how breast implants can affect body composition scan results.

In general, most types of breast implants will not have a significant impact on scan results. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you have had a breast augmentation or implant surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor about how it may affect your Inbody scan results.

breast implants affecting inbody scan results

Depending on the type of implant you have and the surgical procedure used, your Inbody scan results may be different than someone who has not had surgery.

How do Breast Implants Effect Inbody Results

Your breast implants will not create a big variation in your Inbody results compared to a woman without breast implants.

The Inbody Scan results may be affected due to additional weight from Silicon or other products used in breast augmentation.

Do Breast Implants affect Body Fat Percentage?

In most cases, breast implants will not have a significant impact on your body fat percentage. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you have had a breast augmentation or implant surgery, it is important to talk to your doctor about how it may affect your Inbody scan results.

Do Breast Implants affect Body Fat Percentage?
body fat percentage woman designs concept vector woman diets and exercises before and after from fat to fitness

Depending on the type of implant you have and the surgical procedure used, your Inbody scan results may be different than someone who has not had surgery.

For example, if you have silicone implants, there is a chance that the silicone can leak into your body. This can lead to an increase in body fat percentage. Additionally, if you have had a mastectomy (breast removal) surgery, your body fat percentage may be higher than someone who has not had this surgery. There may be more scar tissue which could also bump BFP.

In general, most types of breast implants will not have a significant effect on body composition scan results.

The overall point of body scans such as Inbody and DEXA is to give you a general benchmark of your body composition. If the results from your scan are trending in a certain direction, it can be a helpful tool to see if your diet and exercise routine is working. So even if breast implants affect Inbody scan results the scan is still filled with useful information and worth obtaining.

Have you seen affected results in your Inbody scan due to breast implants?

If you have please comment below to let us know!

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